Core Geotechnics Limited
Experts in all types of ground investigation works

Below is a bit more detail about all the services we offer. Please get in touch by email or telephone to discuss any your needs or queries.
Phase 1 Desk Study
Core Geotechnics undertakes initial site assessments and appraisals to identify potential geotechnical and geo-environmental risks and allow economic design for Phase 2 intrusive investigation. Ground risks such as contamination, ground gas as well as geotechnical issues such as desiccation, dissolution features, mining etc are assessed with reference to various site specific geological and geo-environmental data sources. Where necessary we liaise with the Environmental Agency, Local Authority and Coal Authority to ensure the study addresses correctly the risks and minimises any future potential programme delays to our clients. The Phase 1 appraisals are carried out by a Chartered Geologist who will use professional experience and due diligence to provide a realistic assessment of identified risks and minimise the potential for unforeseen ground problems which could generate time delays and added costs during the construction phase.

Ground Investigations
Core Geotechnics solid background in the UK ground investigation industry ensures the most appropriate methods and equipment are employed on any given site for the anticipated geology. Our site work services include:
Hand and machine excavated trial pits
Hand held window sampling
In-situ testing including CBR, plate bearing tests, dynamic probing and cone penetration testing, geophysical techniques and pressuremeter testing
Drilling of boreholes utilising dynamic sampling, cable percussion and rotary techniques
Installation of monitoring instrumentation – standpipes, piezometers, inclinometers, extensometers and survey datums
Soakaway and soil permeability testing
In recognition of the need to ensure good quality ground data, all site works are supervised by a Chartered Geologist who would have designed the investigation and prepared the report. Post site work services include:
Monitoring for groundwater, gas, lateral and vertical ground movement
Geotechnical laboratory testing to UKAS standards
Contamination laboratory testing with MCerts accreditation

Core offers geotechnical and geo-environmental consultancy and provides recommendations for:
Soakaway drainage
Design of spread and piled foundations and settlement assessments
Deep excavations and basement design
Ground improvement works
Desiccation assessments
Ground stability assessment of mining and dissolution related voids
Earthworks assessment and pavement design
Soil and rock slope stability including PPG14 Reports
Advice on retaining wall design
Assessment of contamination risks to groundworkers and site end users
Assessment of contamination risks to surface and ground waters
Classification of waste for off-site disposal
Chemical attack on buried concrete
Advice on ground treatment
Validation of works
Core Geotechnics have become increasingly involved in providing specific advice to our clients, including technical reviews of ground investigation reports prepared by others, assessment and design of tracked plant working platforms, review and checking of pile designs and post failure foundation assessments.